Reinforced lightweight flywheel

But how to significantly increase the power of a vehicle? Indeed, this is possible thanks to the engine preparation, generally carried out by engine manufacturers, often related to the field of the competition.
One of the biggest factors in a preparation is the lightening of the said flywheel. Indeed, a lightweight flywheel improves the use of power. Let's see how it works as well as the why and how.
Lightweight flywheel yes but why?
The function of the flywheel
The flywheel is a circular part and usually between 8 to 35 cm in diameter for a passenger car. It is often composed of cast iron, therefore very heavy. It is fixed at the end of the crankshaft.
It plays a dual role, not only does it integrate the clutch mechanism and serves as a bearing face for the clutch disc, thus ensuring the transmission of the engine movement, but also it plays an important role as a flywheel : by its rotating mass, it absorbs the jerky energy of the combustion of the cylinders to restore it regularly and thus to limit the variations of the inertial movement.
It thus allows the correct balancing of the engine and thus avoids destructive vibrations for the mechanics and generating driving discomfort on your vehicle.
But what is the benefit of lightening the flywheel in this case?
Originally, the flywheel leads and reduces power, because its inertia slows down the revs of the engine, it is in this acceleration phase that if the speed of rotation does not increase quickly enough, the combustions are higher. spaced apart and therefore engine power at low revs suffers.
The solution is therefore to make the flywheel lighter.
Ok, but what are the advantages and disadvantages of Lightweight flywheel?
The advantages of lightening the flywheel are:
- faster revs,
- more quickly achieved power,
- and increased performance.
But it also has drawbacks :
- a loss of engine torque efficiency,
- irregular operation and increased vibrations,
- irregular idling,
- increased consumption (more combustion).