Rear Anti-Roll Bar

From the moment a vehicle is prepared for sporting use in leisure or competition, the development of a chassis in adequacy with the intended use is essential. The work to be done on the anti-roll bar or more commonly called the stabilizer bar, is a step that should not be neglected. Most of the time, the first phase of modification going through the change of the suspensions to a more firm and adjustable material, the anti-roll bar which will make the link between the two sides of the car will have to correspond to this new assembly in order to obtain homogeneous behavior. A larger or smaller diameter depending on the overall assembly will therefore have to be estimated.
For the rear axle, the objective is very specific because it is generally desired to have maximum stability. When in intensive use, the driver or pilot registers his vehicle for braking at the entry of a curve, the rear axle must generally follow the pace without moving. A very typical circuit reaction. But we will see that sometimes it is necessary to leave a little more mobility to the rear axle.
Depending on the discipline and the coating, it is obvious that the search for adhesion will be more or less subjective, but there remains one non-negotiable point, precision. On a circuit where every millimeter of track must be exploited, the rear axle must move a minimum. In rally where the variations of surfaces, bumps and compressions will permanently disrupt the search for trajectory, it will be necessary to restore mobility to the rear axle so that it can evade the transfer of load more easily. This will make it possible to achieve a much higher speed of chaining in the winding. In Drift where glide and drift are the key words, it is necessary to know where the rear end will be placed once the vehicle is in oversteer. Everything is going to be a question of perfect balance every time.