The installation of a large volume oil cooler kit is essential when you use your car for sporty driving or in case of extreme use (track, rally, drag, run, ...)
When the oil is subjected to high temperature or too rapid rises / falls, it can endanger your engine because its lubricating power is directly impacted.
In order to avoid this, you can fit an oil cooler kit, which will allow you to reduce the engine oil temperature, and therefore maintain optimal lubrication.
Also, in order to be able to control the oil temperature, you can also install an oil temperature manometer (Stack, VDO, AEM, ...).
Small tip: You must position your oil radiator in front of the water radiator, in order to have a constant and sufficient air flow and to not interfere with the cooling of the water, it is essential to place at most ready the oil radiator against the water radiator (in front or behind depending on the position of the fan (s)), so there will be no impact on the cooling of the water and the air flow.
Mishimoto is a brand that offers oil radiators ranging from 10 to 25 rows, thermostatic or not. They also offer specific kits which generally include: the oil cooler, aviation hoses, adapters, fittings and sandwich plate.
Setrab is also a big manufacturer which also offers high quality oil radiators ranging for them from 7 to 25 rows but also a range called "slim", this range is composed of radiator with very little space in height but with a radius of a large width, ideal in the case where you do not have much space in the engine compartment but a rather large width.
We also offer a Universal range, it will allow you to make your own kit at a lower cost.